I just got it.
I don't have to clear up all my excess calories straight away. I can just do as much as I can. So maybe by the end of tomorrow, I'll only have to fast for 1 and a half days more, not 2. Wow writing helps. Anyway, I gotta do just that then. I'll aim to eat 500 calories tomorrow.
Fitness. Good. Better than food. I'm on day 6 of the 30-Day Challenges, but before working out today I was so tired. I was like I don't wanna do this. But then I started, and I loved it. I reckon the hardest part of these challenges is the squat challenge, definitely. I had to do 75 squats today, but I had to stop briefly at 50. I think my fitness level has decreased though...I didn't sweat as much and I found the workout harder than usual. Oh well. Tomorrow, I'm going to go for a run. A good, long, head-clearing run. I'll try go for 45 minutes, at a comfortable pace.
I bought an armband from ebay recently! It's for a massive Samsung Galaxy Note, and I can't wait till it arrives! I also bought a skipping rope for $3.50! I can't wait to use it again! Skipping is so fun! For my stats, just 10 minutes burns 91 calories :o Hopefully I'm still as good as when I was 12...hahaha
I've decided to reblog a picture every day. I found a few brilliant motivational blogs, or more correctly, tumblrs. Here's my picture for today!
Haha it's so appropriate :P I really hope I can stay on track with my food tomorrow!
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