Anyway, her workout consisted of 3 challenges and a mini-circuit, and she does all the challenges three times! Told you it was insane! She did the 30 day crunch challenge, 30 day squat challenge, 30 day push-up challenge and then the mini circuit, every day. You can just google all the challenges, but the circuit is at the end of this post.
I was contemplating doing what she did, but I'm afraid it may be too much for me to handle all at once, in addition to my As Long As You Can Challenge.
Oh, and there's also the 30 day Abs Challenge, which looks pretty doable that's another option!
The squat challenge starts off with 50 squats...that's an awful lot of squats...should I do the crunch or squat challenge?! Aargh...I'll decide later I guess. Right, off to workout now! For the first time in months! So happy...