Well...I overate. I hate the word binge, so I overate. By 2827 calories. That's basically a pound of fat... Um...yeah...I'm never hitting the "complete this entry" button for today...
And why? Because I just found out after school that I had a history essay due tomorrow!!! I had it in my planner for the day after tomorrow, so my brain began moving into panic mode and I ate my stress. I also pulled an all-nighter finishing my plan. And then I was late to school, but I'm getting extra time, yay.
Anyway, I was going to try fasting for the next two days and a bit, but...my mum doesn't approve of my fat loss goals and will keep pressuring me to eat...which means I'd have to purposely fake madness at her, which I can't. And there's all these food temptations lying around the house!!! So since I can't fast completely, I decided I'd just do this: daily calorie goal (DCG)-100 calories, for as long as it takes for me to rid mys body of the excess calories. So tomorrow, my original goal of 1410 is now 1310. And this goes on for 29 days. I can do this, right?!
Once I did a three day fast to balance out an excess of about 3000 calories, but I had to be so isolated and withdrawn from my family...I could just see the hurt and confusion in them! Another time I did a 2 day fast, but that was easier because my mum was away for a bit so she wasn't there to look over my eating. It's really hard to do this without family support though.
So yeah. DCG-100=next 29 days. Should be fun fun!
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