Friday, 5 July 2013

Mathematics+cool poses

So...after doing the maths, I calculated that all of my excess calories add up to 9816 calories. That's pretty much 3 pounds of fatty fat fat.
How did I get here in the first place? Well, 2853 calories came from Wednesday 19th of June, one massive binge day. An excess of 2085 calories was the total of 3 days eating in excess, and 3678 calories is the total of the 3 fast days to be completed in August.
So yeah. After more math, I calculated that for the 4 weeks and 3 days I've been calorie cycling, I have an average of 1500 calories a day, including the 9816 calories.

I weighed myself today. I purposely did not get my hopes up, and thank goodness I didn't because I'm 53 (still). I guess that's an improvement from my 54.5 kilos, and I had to pee after my weigh in. So I must have been a tad lighter than 53? Hopefully! Oh well, I don't really care for the number on the scale anyway, because I want to lose fat, not muscle!

Speaking of fat, my body fat calliper came today. Only, even though it's meant to be more accurate than the tape measure method, the accuracy is quite questionable. According to the calliper's chart, I have a body fat percentage of 15%. And there is really no way that's true, because I can't see my abs (apart from at the very top) and my thighs are still massive! So I suppose I'll just follow the tape measure method then.

Oh, gues what?

I can totally do the splits! Just did them fully today, for the first time. My preferred split is the left leg split, because my right leg is really inflexible.I was so happy though :')
I went to a party yesterday, and my calisthenics and dancing friends were all there and being flexible and doing heatstands and leg mounts. And I was just there being...I can do a press?

Anyway, I kind of did a headstand there, but I'm struggling to hold it up. I can also do a one hand cartwheel, and I really want to be able to do an aerial. And a handstand. And a press hanstand. And a back handspring. And a front walkover. And a back walkover. And a scorpion, bow and arrow, leg mount, forearm stand, and all of these...

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