Tuesday, 21 May 2013

EIGHT DAY endurance

It's Monday. Funfun.

LOW CARB CENTRAL THIS WEEK! It's my first time low-carbing and I'm really really excited!!! For every gram of carbs your body takes in, it carries along with it two grams of water! So really, you're carrying three times as much weight as you should be! And while the weight you lose may only be water weight, low-carbing is often used to shed the pounds FAST! Moreover, low-carbing boosts your health and sharpens your systems, so that's a bonus!

Short post today. First day of low carbing was good, but then again the first days of each plan to change are always successful...I'll have to be sure to keep an eye out for my creeping taste buds! I had so much protein from chicken breast and nuts I didn't even feel like eating at dinner, during which time I would normally be dreaming about ice cream and pastries, and then acquire them. And scoff them.
But, I think when a low-carb diet's best bet is meat, you have to be SERIOUSLY hungry to chew through another chunk of meat.
Oh, and for the first time ever, and when I say ever I literally mean ever, in all the time of my existence on planet Earth, I reached my healthy fat goal!!! I never do! I reached 40 grams, and still had a massive 6 grams of saturated fat to spare!

Someone internet high five me please.

But yeah. That's my first day of low carbing. I'd say it was great, but you have to remember first days always are. I only pray that I am blessed with the strength to keep going!

Oh, and we had the beep/bleep test today! I was stoned at first, but after I was quite happy! I improved by 0.6...going from 8.8 to 9.4. I was actually surprised, because I thought I was un-fitter. I figured out you need really good control of your body though-you definitely must have good control; you can't let everything loose or you'll get exhausted so much quicker! I', a happy chappy.

We also had footy training, and played our first training game this year, in training. It was a beautiful light drizzle and the mud was mediocre, which made the game amazing. However, I just realised how unfit I was. Just before half-time, I was puffed. Puffed I tell you. Not even kidding. I was dying...
Turns out I'm a good tackler though! I love it. It's fun. The secret? Run to where the ball is going, wait for the opposition to get the ball, and then drop your body weight on them. Just drop it like it's hot.

I suck at kicking though. I took a free kick coz someone nearly killed me, and I was so tired I only kicked it about a dew metres out. Wow, the look on the coach's face. priceless.

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